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Main Course
Lesson #1: The Power of Listening (26:31)
Lesson #2: How (Not What) to Think (25:02)
The Rest of the Course is Being Re-Recorded - Expected Finish Date is July 31st
Module One - "The Importance of Books" (32:40)
Module Two - "Eliminate Every Roadblock to Reading" (58:36)
Module Three - "How to Make More Time for Reading" (66:54)
Module Four - "Setting a Reading Goal" (36:42)
Module Five - "How to Choose What to Read" (50:59)
Module Six - "What to Do Before You Sit Down to Read" (24:40)
Module Seven - "How to Improve Your Concentration" (37:39)
Module Eight - "How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension" (78:06)
Module Nine - "How to Take Intelligent Notes" (47:38)
Module Ten - "How to Increase Your Reading Speed" (30:36)
Module Eleven - "The Very Best Reading Apps on the Market" (45:13)
Bonus Material
Bonus Module #1: The Best Reading Quotes (32:47)
Bonus Module #2: How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read (29:19)
Bonus Module #3: The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction (33:55)
Bonus Module #4: My Personal Reading Philosophy - Matt Karamazov (28:49)
All Course Bonuses - Right Here!
Thank You - "The End"
"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" (2:16)
Lesson #2: How (Not What) to Think
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