Hit the Books!
You're a reader; you know the true power of books and literature to change your life; and you're about to embark on the intellectual adventure of a lifetime...
Hey, Matt Karamazov here.
Do NOT enroll in this course yet!
I mean, you can if you want to, but I'm in the middle of re-recording the whole thing, thereby making it much better (and shorter).
It's open for enrollment now, but if you wait a bit you'll find that the videos will be higher resolution, I'll be a much better teacher in front of the camera, the lessons will carry more impact in less time, etc.
I aim to have everything re-uploaded by the end of December 2020, at which point I'll update everyone on my email list, which you can sign up for here.
As always, the course will remain FREE, but I'm raising money for Doctors Without Borders, the international humanitarian relief organization. So if this course helps you become a stronger, more efficient, more capable reader (which I know it will), consider making a donation to support their life-saving work all over the world.
You can donate to Doctors Without Borders here. Last time I checked, we had raised $240 dollars so far!
Again, join the email list so I can let you know when it's ready, and we'll hit the books soon!
All the best,
Matt Karamazov
Your Instructor
Your friendly and helpful instructor, Matt Karamazov, is a professional writer who is working on his first published book. Currently, he reads more than 200 books every year, and is a freelance writer for High Existence, among other publications. He also runs a non-profit, VITA, which raises much-needed funds for Doctors Without Borders, the international humanitarian relief organization. He's also a nightclub bouncer in Halifax, Canada.
Course Curriculum
PreviewModule One - "The Importance of Books" (32:40)
PreviewModule Two - "Eliminate Every Roadblock to Reading" (58:36)
PreviewModule Three - "How to Make More Time for Reading" (66:54)
PreviewModule Four - "Setting a Reading Goal" (36:42)
PreviewModule Five - "How to Choose What to Read" (50:59)
PreviewModule Six - "What to Do Before You Sit Down to Read" (24:40)
PreviewModule Seven - "How to Improve Your Concentration" (37:39)
PreviewModule Eight - "How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension" (78:06)
PreviewModule Nine - "How to Take Intelligent Notes" (47:38)
PreviewModule Ten - "How to Increase Your Reading Speed" (30:36)
PreviewModule Eleven - "The Very Best Reading Apps on the Market" (45:13)